
Life After Stroke – A Client’s Post-Stroke Care and Recovery by Client Services Manager, Maggie

Jul 15, 2024 | Breaking News

Unless you or someone in your life has been affected, the lasting effects of a stroke and post-stroke care and recovery is a topic that lacks awareness.

As we raise awareness for stroke during National Stroke Week, it is essential to reflect on the profound impact that a stroke can have on an individual and their families. To raise awareness, Maggie, the Team Leader of our Client Services Managers at KompleteCare’s Kilburn office, reflects on a client’s journey following a stroke.

Through dedicated support and strategic interventions, Maggie and KompleteCare have played a crucial role in her ongoing journey towards recovery. Maggie recounts the challenges and triumphs of her client’s post-stroke care and recovery, highlighting the importance of early intervention and comprehensive care.

Over a year ago, one of my clients suffered from a stroke. It affected her speech and the entire left side of her body, including her left arm and leg.

This left a lasting impact on her mobility, which is now extremely limited, and has made living independently and taking care of herself on her own impossible.


Stroke Care


Before her stroke, she was a hairdresser. She could live independently, drive, cook and clean for herself and her family, tend to her garden, and go out with her friends.

Having a stroke meant that all of this came to a sudden halt, and she was unable to do these things. Her husband and family became her carers, and she lost much of her independence. She was devastated.

She became a client of KompleteCare shortly after her stroke, and I became her Support Coordinator. To assist her in meeting her goals, we organised a full functional assessment completed by a qualified Occupational Therapist, whose report blew me away. It was comprehensive, and there was a clear need for serious intervention in the first 12 months of her post-stroke care that would be instrumental in whether she would get all her capabilities back. With the help of her family and loved ones, we all rallied behind her with support, and I told her what we could do to help.


Stroke Care


We organised several services for her, including regular domestic services, social support and gardening.

Through her NDIS plan, she could access physiotherapy, hand therapy, and a gym membership to continue her exercises. We adapted her home to be more accessible, purchased implements to help her in the kitchen, and purchased a power chair for accessibility outside of the house. She has now been a client of KompleteCare for over a year. She can now help her husband more in the kitchen and, just last month, successfully cut her family’s hair. She is still working towards other personal goals, and with her tenacity, I know she will achieve them.


Stroke Care


As a Client Services Manager at KompleteCare, I find great reward in being part of our client’s lives and journeys.

I take pride in being able to support my clients, help them achieve their goals, and see them grow. If it wasn’t for the intervention and services that were put into place early in her post-stroke care journey, her recovery may not have been as successful as it has been.


Stroke Care


Everyone experiences stroke differently, and anyone can experience a stroke regardless of age. It’s crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stroke.

Getting fast treatment in the event of a stroke can affect the success of post-stroke care and can be the difference between death, disability, and recovery. Regarding stroke, remember the acronym FAST: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call emergency services. If you suspect someone is having a stroke, act quickly. Every minute counts in minimising damage to the brain and improving post-stroke care and recovery. Call emergency services immediately and note when symptoms first appeared, as this information can help medical professionals determine the best course of action. By spreading awareness and understanding of stroke symptoms and timely response, we can significantly save lives and support recovery journeys like Maggie’s client.

If you or a loved one has had a stroke and needs assistance, KompleteCare offers a range of services to help you through post-stroke care and maintain your independence. Call us on (08) 8265 5696 or fill out our online enquiry form to learn how KompleteCare can help you.


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