
The Benefits of Smartwatches for Seniors

Jul 10, 2024 | Breaking News

From fitness tracking and accessible emergency assistance to medication reminders and calendar alerts, KompleteCare explores the benefits of smartwatches for seniors.

Smartwatches aren’t just for the younger generation; they can be a great tool for wearers of all ages, including older adults. In today’s digital age, smartwatches have become increasingly popular, with over 36% of Australians owning one. They’ve become more accessible with budget-friendly options and much easier to use for people of all levels of tech-savviness.

Many smartwatches are equipped with features that can help promote independence and overall quality of life for the elderly. These features can make it easier to monitor one’s health, stay connected with family and friends, and set reminders. Read on as KompleteCare delves into some of the best benefits of smartwatches for seniors.


smartwatches for seniors


Track your health

Smartwatches offer a range of features to help wearers stay on top of their health and improve overall well-being. Most models are equipped with technology to track and monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, stress levels, activity levels and sleep quality. They can also detect irregular heart rhythms, monitor noise, and alert you when your heart rate increases or decreases from your norm or when your environment is too loud. This information is handy to keep on top of your health and can be shared with your healthcare provider to help detect potential health issues in the early stages.

Encourage activity

Physical activity is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle, especially for seniors. Physical activity is shown to help prevent disease, lower blood pressure, improve mental health and cognition, and decrease the risk of falls. Smartwatches can help encourage and track physical activity, allowing wearers to set personalised fitness goals and track activity levels. The Department of Health and Aged Care recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day for Australians 65 and over, and a smartwatch can help you achieve that with tracking and reminders.


smartwatches for seniors


Reminders and calendar alerts

Whether your days are jam-packed or you need some assistance remembering your next appointments, reminders and alerts on your smartphone can be a great tool. Smartwatches take it to the next level by sending your reminders and alerts as a notification straight to your wrist! You can use notifications on your smartwatch to manage your medications, schedules, and routines efficiently. All you need to do is add the relevant information to your smartphone, set the reminder, and you’re good to go!

Get help in an emergency

One of the most significant benefits of smartwatches for seniors is their emergency features. Many models have emergency alert buttons that alert designated emergency contacts or services. This can be useful in a fall or other medical emergency if you’re unable to speak or reach your phone. Paired with GPS tracking, you can ensure that family members or emergency services can locate you and provide assistance in an emergency. In addition, many newer models of smartwatches have a fall detection feature that will automatically send out an SOS alert when the watch senses that the wearer has had a hard impact, making it even easier to receive aid in the event of a fall.


smartwatches for seniors


What smartwatches for seniors are out there?

If you’re interested in purchasing a smartwatch, Seniors Guide has compiled a guide of the best smartwatches for seniors, with recommendations for different price ranges and features. They’ve broken down each model in depth so that you can research just what smartwatch has the best benefits for your needs. If you’re unsure of which smartwatch is best for you, your local electronics store will be able to answer your questions in-depth, and you’ll be able to see and feel the different models in person.


smartwatches for seniors


At KompleteCare, we understand that shopping can be challenging for people struggling with mobility or cognitive issues, suffering from illness or injury, or lacking the capabilities required to do all their shopping alone. Our KompleteCare support workers can help you achieve all your shopping goals and ensure you have everything you need or want at home. Shopping Assistance is available at a private cost or to anyone with an approved Home Care Package or NDIS funding in line with plan goals. For more information, call us at (08) 8265 5696 or complete our online enquiry form.


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