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NDIS Prices

NDIS – Fee Schedule

Assistance with Self Care Activities (Standard)

Weekday Day Time- 6am-8pm

$67.56 per hour


Weekday Evening- 8pm- Midnight

$74.44 per hour



$95.07 per hour



$122.59 per hour


Public Holidays

$150.10 per hour


Overnight Passive- (Block rate of 8 consecutive hours)

$286.56 per hour

Access Community, Social & Recreation Activities (standard)

Weekday Day Time- 6am-8pm

$67.56 per hour


Weekday Evening- 8pm- Midnight

$74.44 per hour



$95.07 per hour



$122.59 per hour


Public Holidays


Transport Surcharge

General Transport Supports- Accompanying and/or transporting a participant:  $1.00 per km

Provider Travel

Provider Travel – non-labour costs: $67.56 per hour 

House Cleaning & Other Household Activities


House Cleaning and other Household Activities

$56.23 per hour


Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities

$57.23 per hour

Day Options


Group Activities - Standard - Weekday Daytime

$67.56 per hour


Centre Capital Cost

$2.53 per hour

House and/or Garden Maintenance


House and/or Garden Maintenance

$55.21 per hour

Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse


Registered Nurse- Weekday Day Time- 6am-8pm

$119.82 per hour


Registered Nurse- Weekday Evening- 8pm- Midnight

$132.18 per hour


Enrolled Nurse- Weekday Day Time- 6am-8pm

$96.78 per hour


Enrolled Nurse- Weekday Day Time- 6am-8pm

$106.76 per hour

Assistance with Daily Life


Non-Face-to-Face Supports; all tasks and activities completed on behalf or for the purpose of the Participants NDIS plan and related goals. This will be charged at the relevant code that is specific to the participants goals

See relevant code

Level 2: Coordination of Supports


Support Coordination Level 2

$100.14 per hour

KompleteCare is a registered NDIS Service Provider, and as such, all the services we provide
are considered Reasonable and Necessary Supports if in line with the participant’s goals.

All information listed references the current NDIS price guide and NDIS support catalogue. Prices are valid from 1st July 2024.