
Overnight Care & In-Home Respite

Overnight Care

There may be times when you struggle in the night alone.

Often if you are a carer for a family member who is elderly or managing a disability, illness or injury, you may not live in the same household as your loved one, therefore unable to perform your duties through the night.

Our KompleteCare overnight support workers can provide hands-on support and nurturing care services for clients to replace their daytime assistant if they have left for the day regularly or casually if their carer is temporarily unavailable.

It can be comforting to know that you or your loved one can continue living independently at home with the added peace of mind that someone can provide all overnight duties such as mobility, medication, personal care, domestic assistance and social support throughout the evening.

NDIS Information

Assistance with Self Care Activities – Night-Time Sleepover Support

This support item provides a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life where overnight support is needed, but the caregiver can sleep when not required to provide support. This support applies to any day of the week and on public holidays. This support item includes up to two hours of active supports provided to the participant for the duration of the period. This support item can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Price Guide.

In-Home Respite


Being a carer for someone you love is a huge responsibility and understandably comes with feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.


It can sometimes mean you also have to miss out on events or activities you enjoy.

Carers or family members are often reluctant to enquire about respite services because they feel as though they are not coping or are not doing enough to take care of their loved one.

KompleteCare understands the feeling and assures you that we know this is not the case. We encourage respite care because it’s essential for everyone to have the chance to recharge their batteries, do something for themselves or catch up on overdue tasks to enable them to be better and more focused when returning to their caring duties.

Respite services with KompleteCare allow you to have a break away from your responsibilities while knowing that your loved one will be taken care of just the way you would like them to be.

Respite care can be used on an emergency or casual basis or as a regular service, giving you the break you deserve. You may wish to use respite for a few hours for an appointment, work or event or a more extended period if you find yourself suddenly ill and incapable of caring for another, a holiday or weekend getaway.

With an elderly, disabled, ill or injured client, there could be many reasons why they cannot leave home for alternative care.

KompleteCare respite can give you the welcome break you both need as well as encourage socialising and trusting others outside the family or home.

While you are away, our in-home support workers offer a safe and comfortable setting for your loved one. Offer regular contact if required while performing a variety of care services from personal care, medical assistance, food preparation and transportation.

This service is available at a private cost or to anyone with an approved Home Care package or NDIS funding in line with plan goals.

NDIS Information

Assistance with Self Care Activities

These support items provide a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These support items can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Price Guide.

We certainly cannot replace you but will do our very best to be the perfect alternative for that special person in your life.

Support Services

Nursing Services


Overnight Care & Respite

Day Options Program

Personal Care

Support Coordination

Home Modifications


Medication Support

Social Support

Meal Preparation

Pet Care

Gardening and General Home Maintenance

Domestic Assistance (Cleaning)

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