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KC Priority Care: A Solution for Those in Urgent Need of In-Home Care

Mar 24, 2025 | Breaking News

KompleteCare’s KC Priority Care Packages offer an affordable and accessible option to provide immediate relief to those who can’t afford to wait for the care they need.

As an in-home and community care provider, our staff at KompleteCare spend a lot of time navigating government websites. We understand how daunting and confusing they can be, especially for those new to the process. For this reason, our Service Representatives can also assist with applying for government funding as part of our free in-home consultations. For many clients, we’ve been with them every step of the way, from applying for their funding to organising services.

We’ve seen first-hand how the process of applying for government funding, being assessed, getting approved, and then being assigned a package or plan can be lengthy. Time is incredibly precious; life can change in an instant, and our health and circumstances can take a turn when we least expect it. For some, waiting extended periods of time for care and assistance can dramatically affect their quality of life. While some might have loved ones to support them, this may not be the case for others. Many have to find alternative solutions, like aged care homes, which can also come with extended wait times.

It is abundantly clear that there is a critical gap in care services and an urgent need for more immediate solutions. Recognising this crucial gap, KompleteCare has designed our KC Priority Care Packages, a solution to provide immediate support.

KC Priority Care

What are KC Priority Care Packages?

KC Priority Care Packages are private care services that are available at reduced costs to make care affordable and accessible when you need it most. Four cost-effective packages are available, starting from just $65 per week for our basic or Opal Care package. Each package offers set hours of care, and you can choose which package is right for you based on your individual needs.


Who can access KC Priority Care Packages?

KC Priority Care, while designed with those waiting for or running low on government funding in mind, is accessible to anyone. There are no lock-in contracts, so you can use them for as long or as little as you like, depending on your individual needs.


KC Priority Care


How long does it take to get a KC Priority Care Package?

These packages are accessible without prior assessments or wait times, so they are truly immediately accessible. KompleteCare has immediate capacity across all sites in Adelaide, Murray Bridge, and the surrounding area, as well as Perth, so you can access services with your KC Priority Care Package straight away.


What KompleteCare services can I access with a KC Priority Care Package?

KC Priority Care can be used to access any of the services KompleteCare offers, including cleaning, shopping, gardening, transport, or social support. You can tailor your package based on what’s right for you and access any service you need in your care journey. All four packages include one hour of Client Services Management, KompleteCare’s well-known concierge service. They’ll assist you in organising your services and be available to answer any questions or concerns.


KC Priority Care

Ensuring that help is available when it’s needed most.

At KompleteCare, we’re dedicated to client-centred care that is all about you and designed to support your independence and live your life the way you choose, and our KC Priority Care Packages are a testament to that. With these immediately available and cost-effective packages, we ensure that help is available when you need it most.

If you or a loved one is waiting for or running low on government funding, contact us for a cost and obligation-free in-home consultation to discuss your options. For more information about the KC Priority Care Packages, visit the KompleteCare website or contact our customer service team at (08) 8265 5696.


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